The Emblem of the Security Sector Skill Development Council epitomized by a shield in Red, stands for courage and valour signifying security and protection. The Chevrons represents the lowest level in the industry processing to the upper echelons depicted by the stars. In this journey, their enhancement of knowledge is shown by the middle chevron styled in the form of a book. The gold bordering the shield symbolizes success in all the endeavours of the private security industry.

The Security Sector Skill Development Council (SSSDC) was constituted as per the National Skill Policy of the Government of India. It was jointly formed by The Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). As per the SSC formation term sheet of the NSDC , top 10 companies of the Private Security Sector along with the representatives from State based associations, CII, FICCI, Ministry of Defence, MSMEs, were invited to join the Board of Directors. Among the Top 10 Guarding companies following extended support and joined the NSDC initiative. Tops Grup Ltd, Checkmate , G4S Security Solutions ,BIS Ltd, SDB-ISS, Eagle Hunters Security, Premier Shield, SSMS, Securitas, SLV, SIS & Peregrine joined as special invitee. Chapter Chairman of Delhi State Chapter of CAPSI represents MSME of PSS. Ministry of Defence deputed Managing Director of Army Welfare & Placements Organisation to be on the Board. State based industry associations like Karnataka Security Services Association and Security Association of India. End users of Private Security Services like CII and FICCI joined Board and extended total support in the formation of the Sector Skill Council.
The Private Security Sector (PSS), which is the second largest employer of manpower after the Agriculture Sector, lies in the unorganized sector of our economy and is perhaps not optimally motivated, trained or equipped to successfully take on the challenges that confront it. This sector employing approximately seven million people and growing at an annual rate of 25 per cent comprises youth lacking in education and hailing from the weaker sections of our society. Honing their skills therefore, falls within the ambit of our Prime Ministers vision of up skilling the youth of our country in preparing them to take their rightful place in India’s growing economy.
To achieve this up skilling, institutional arrangements have been finalized at the national level which consist of the National Council for Skill Development chaired by the Prime Minister, a National Skill Development Coordination Board under the Planning Commission and the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) funded by the Ministry of Finance for promoting skill development in the private sector. NSDC set up in July 2008, is in the process of setting up Sector Skill Council (SSCs) in different sectors of the economy. One of the first such councils set up through the lead provided by Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) is the Security Sector Skill Development Council (SSSDC) for addressing issues related to PSS.
The SSSDC was formed in March 2011 as a Section 8 Company (Not for Profit). As per requirement of NSDC, the Board of Directors comprise lead players of PSS in terms of turnover besides end users and other stake holders. These include G4S, Tops Security, Checkmate Services, Bombay Intelligence Security India, ISS SDB, SLV Security Services, SSMS, Premier Shield, Securitas India, Trig Guardforce, SAI, KSS and an Agency representing smaller companies. It is also represented by members from NSDC, CAPSI, CII, FICCI and Army Welfare Placement Organisation (AWPO) amongst others.
To transform the PSS from an unorganised industry to an organised one by taking initiatives on developing the driving forces of knowledge and skills to address the interests of all stakeholders of the industry.
SSSDC envisions achieving uniformity in the standards of training, assessment and certification in the PSS; at par with world standards, to empower Indian private security personnel through knowledge, skills and proficiency enhancement, for their better employability and career prospects, both within the country and abroad.
To transform the Indian PSS into a world class sector through standardised professional protocols and practices.
- Undertake occupational, functional and skill gap analysis of PSS.
- Formulate Qualification Packs (QP) and National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the job-roles in the PSS.
- Prepare curriculum and training material for conduct of courses in specified job roles.
- Undertake Labour Market Information Survey (LMIS).
- Train Trainers and Assessors.
- Affiliation of Training Partners (TP) and Assessment Bodies (AB).
- Exercise quality control over training and assessment.
- Carry out assessment & certification of security workforce.
- Undertake Skill Gap Analysis
- Set up effective LMIS
- Set National Occupational Standards (NOS)
- Approve Curricula
- Training of Master Trainers
- Accredit Training Providers
- Accredit Awarding/Certification Bodies
- Institute Assessment & Certification process.
With the whole-hearted support of industry, SSSDC’s journey has been path-breaking and has seen history in the making. The emphasis has been on skilling the youth on security skills to make them job ready.
Protocols have been developed for affiliating TPs, ABs and for certification of the existing workforce under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). In this regard, SSSDC has made substantive all-round progress in drafting QPs, NOSs and curricula, training of trainers & assessors, affiliating TPs & ABs and putting on ground a credible assessment and certification process. Besides this, SSSDC has been actively involved in the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) project for introducing Security as a vocational subject in secondary schools across India.
SSSDC was the first sector skill council to have drafted the QP & NOS for Unarmed Security Guard. Subsequently QPs and NOSs for other job roles like Armed Security Guard, Security Supervisor, CCTV Supervisor, Personal Security Officer, Security Officer, Assignment Manager and Investigator were drafted and validated by PSS. Work is to prepare standards for Cash-in-transit operations and job role of Fireman. Short courses are also being developed to equip the workforce to handle specialized tasks in different sectors of deployment with required expertise.
- The need for training and upskilling the PSS has been well recognized as it is the only force which can fill the vacuum, created by State security agencies getting fully stretched on policing and other law enforcement duties.
- The long-term objective of SSSDC is to further enhance training by conducting certificate, diploma and degree courses through Universities by offering B. VoC and enhance its footprint by covering more schools in different states under NSQF project.
- Catering to the growing demand of domain specific qualifications in PSS, SSSDC is contemplating to start domain specific courses for the executives and managers.
- SSSDC is currently engaged in imparting training to the retiring armed forces personnel in the security domain in order to facilitate their employment in the Civvy Street.
- Conducting international training of security personnel wishing to seek employment abroad through our training partner in Kerala.
- Recently, Central Wage Board of the Ministry of Labour has made major changes in the wages of the Security Guards and Armed Security Guards under Watch & Ward. The Security Guard is now being placed under “Skilled Category” and Armed Security Guard under “Highly Skilled category” after the Government notification is issued.